Regular Show: Suffer

My cousin was an intern for Cartoon Network. He gave me a case for Regular Show. The main menu creeped me out, even to this day. It had an image of Benson with no eyes, very few teeth, and was standing in front of a creature who appears to be Satan. I pressed the play button and the episode played. I cringed when I saw the title, "Suffer." It started with Rigby coming out of his room with an angry look. Mordecai was not with him for some reason. Rigby's look made me think he did something suspicious. When he walked into the kitchen, Pops approached him, who was angry with Rigby. He started shouting out various swear words at him. This was extremely uncharacteristic of Pops. Rigby went back to his room, which looked terrible. It had blood on the floor, some intestines hung on chains, and a grey beak identical to Mordecai's. Rigby suddenly walked to the closet, and what I saw was disturbing. It was Mordecai's corpse. Of course, his beak was ripped off. He had no feathers, his legs were torn off, and his chest cut open and bleeding. He reached behind his lifeless body and pulled out a rifle. He stuck his head out of the window and saw Pops with Mordecai's legs. Pops was crying, but when he wiped his eyes, he had hyper-realistic tears of blood. Rigby then pointed the gun at Pops' large head and pulled the trigger. It showed Pops' corpse on the ground. His skin was pale and wrinkly, and laid in a pool of blood. He then got Benson, Skips, and Muscle Man's attention. He stabbed Benson and Muscle Man. Benson was bleeding everywheres. Muscle Man was pale and laying in blood as well. Skips made his escape and hid. Rigby saw him in the bushes and approached him. It cut to static now. It then showed a still image of Skips laying in blood, was pale and thin, and his chest cut open, revealing some intestines. Rigby knew that he couldn't kill HFG, so he grabbed a vacuum cleaner and sucked him. The ground suddenly cracked open and fire came out, then Rigby fell in. A devil suddenly jumped out. It began to static, and showed the devil's face staring at me. It was very detailed, as if the person who made this had an eye for art. "THE END" suddenly appeared in front of the devil's face. I put the disc back in it's case and threw it away. If you see any kind of abandoned disc, DO NOT pick it up and watch it. Leave it where it belongs or throw it away.